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‘Perspektiva’, the platform for vocational guidance in virtual reality

‘Perspektiva’, the platform for vocational guidance in virtual reality

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‘Perspektiva’ – is the platform for vocational guidance in virtual reality. Choosing profession is one of the most important decisions in life. But how do you find your vocation if you don’t know what you like to do? Classical vocation is limited to a theoretical story, watching videos or at best – a tour. But how can a teenager try to be an expert? The vocational project ‘Перспектива’ is an educational VR application that gives any student an opportunity to try himself or herself as a specialist in a high-demand profession. One of the main advantages of the project is realism: we create an environment that is as close to real life as possible. All equipment in the learning space is modeled by drawings of real instruments and tools, and users can interact with the virtual environment on their own, which makes the experience even more interesting and memorable. It allows to visualize yourself in a certain profession and choose the profession more easily in the future. It is also important that students can try professions without the risk of getting injured or damaging expensive equipment, and they can try several professions in one place for a short period of time. At the moment the application includes 10 modules that demonstrate the tasks performed by specialists in various professions. 5 of 10 modules have already been used by the Centers for advanced vocational training and colleges in Russia for the last year.

"‘Perspektiva’, the platform for vocational guidance in virtual reality" functions

  • Rules
  • Graphics
  • Sound
  • Images
  • Animations


Screenshot ‘Perspektiva’, the platform for vocational guidance in virtual reality, picture 1
Screenshot ‘Perspektiva’, the platform for vocational guidance in virtual reality, picture 2
Screenshot ‘Perspektiva’, the platform for vocational guidance in virtual reality, picture 3
Screenshot ‘Perspektiva’, the platform for vocational guidance in virtual reality, picture 4
Screenshot ‘Perspektiva’, the platform for vocational guidance in virtual reality, picture 5
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