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About the company
Solutions developed by T.integration help improve company operations, ensuring high quality customer service, efficient sales management and providing reliable financial reporting that is accurate to the finest details.
The team is automating areas that are dominated by monotonous work and clutter: service, sales, and financial management.
The approach developed by the company involves three equally important steps:
1. Research:
defining goals and developing clear plan.
2. Production:
quick building a prototype and modify it in accordance with project changes.
3. Implementation:
training employees to use solutions the way it was intended.
Intelligent automation is a step towards rapid development.
9 years on the market
Company products
The ‘TIN konnektor k DaData для BPMSoft’ add-on allows to streamline information about counterparties, contacts, addresses and banks using the API of DaData, a popular data streamlining service in Russia. It is useful for sales, marketing, logistics, distribution, scoring and analytics departments. Even incomplete full names will be automatically completed correctly. It also provides automatic detection of client gender to avoid Russian gender forms ‘Уважаемый(ая)’ and ‘Здравствуйте, ИВАНОВ’. The system will verify e-mail addresses and exclude temporary and role-based e-mail addresses. It will also distinguish personal e-mail addresses from corporate ones.
The ‘TIN skripty dialogov dlya BPMSoft’ add-on allows to effectively control client interactions by providing quick access to any script from the communication panel. High-quality dialog scripts help will increase call conversions. Operators will always be confident in their interactions and will easily find answers to any questions using the knowledge base.